Liouguei district is located on the northernmost end of Pingdi Township in the remote mountain region of Kaohsiung City; it is penetrated by the Danshuei River at the bottom and the west bank of the Laonong River at the top. The district is adjacent to Maolin district in the east, Shalin district in the west, Meinong district and Gaoshu Township of Pingtung County in the south, as well as Taoyuan district in the north. The terrain resembles that of a long gourd, with a length of 36km from south to north and width of 5km from the east to west. The narrowest 3km is surrounded by mountains on all four sides, with picturesque scenery and a mild climate. The scenic South Cross-island Highway passes through the Laonong, Baolai Villages, benefiting the development of local resources.
Office Hour:
- Monday-Friday
- Regular office hours: 08:00 - 12:00 / 13:30 - 17:30
- Flexible office hours at noon: 12:00 - 13:30